On July 22, 2009, Greenwood Library and Longwood University faculty participated in a meeting to discuss the potential for a collaborative digitization project related to civil rights in education in Prince Edward County. The Greenwood Library convened and organized the meeting, held at the Virginia Foundation for the Humanities in Charlottesville, and the Moton Museum provided lunch.
Representatives from Longwood, the Moton Museum, Farmville Baptist Church, Martha E. Forrester Council of Women, Prince Edward County School Board, and Virginia State University joined staff from Eastern Shore Public Library, Encyclopedia Virginia, Library of Virginia, Virginia Center for Digital History, Southern Virginia Higher Education Center, and Virginia Foundation for the Humanities to identify resources and define shared goals for a collaborative digitization project. A follow-up meeting for other Prince Edward institutions that have expressed interest in the project will be held in early fall in Farmville.

Prince Edward County Collaborative Digitization Meeting, July 22, 2009
Front, from L to R: Larissa Smith Fergeson, Scot French, Virginia Kinman, Russell Dove, Michael Cheuk, Edwilda Allen Isaac, Catherine Stevens, Ben Capozzi; Middle, from L to R: Kathleen Jordan, Jennifer McDaid, Lucious Edwards, David Bearinger, Gwendolyn Brooks, Joy Speakes; Rear, from L to R: Miles Barnes, Bob Hamlin, Lacy Ward