“One-Stop” Search Tool

The Greenwood Library will provide the “one-stop” EBSCO Discovery Service in 2011-12, allowing users to look for journal articles AND  books from a single search box.

EBSCO Discovery Service

You may have noticed the trial on the library home page over the past several months. Input from users and focus groups has been positive, and we believe this tool will make it easier to access the majority of the Library’s print and electronic resources.

Here are a few things to note about the EBSCO Discovery Service:

  • It searches many but not all of the Library’s databases.
  • All EBSCOhost databases are included.
  • It searches JSTOR and several other journal collections.
  • Many but not all of the Library’s electronic books are included.
  • Books, CDs and DVDs are included.
  • Results include both print and online resources.

Over the next few months, we will be refining the interface. Meanwhile, we invite you to try it out!