Safari Tech Books Online

The Longwood community now has access to the entire Safari Tech Books Online collection of over 5,000 technology books. Content is updated on a regular basis and ranges from novice to advanced, including many of the “Dummies” books as well as in-depth coverage from major IT publishers such as O’Reilly, QUE, New Riders, Peachpit, Pearson, Sams and more. Topic-specific articles and guides with tips and tricks are included. You can browse the database by category, or search by keyword or code fragment.  Each individual book is also listed in the library catalog.

Categories include Business, Certification, Computer Science, Databases, Desktop Publishing, Desktop Applications, E-Business, E-Commerce, Enterprise Computing, Graphics, Human-Computer Interaction, Hardware, Internet/Online, IT Management, Markup Languages, Multimedia, Networking, Operating Systems, Programming, Security, and Software Engineering.

Safari Tech Books Online is provided by VIVA (Virtual Library of Virginia), the consortium of nonprofit academic libraries within the Commonwealth of Virginia. Members include all of Virginia’s state-assisted colleges and universities, as well as 33 private, nonprofit institutions and the Library of Virginia.