The dependent variable for this chi-squared was the engagement of the child. This was asked as not engaged or engaged. The independent variable for this chi-squared was the race/ethnicity of the child’s parent. Respondents chose either, “white”, “black”, “multiracial”, or “other”. 12 total parents reported that their child was not engaged. 68 total parents reported that their child was engaged. 4 parents that identified as black, 0 parents that identified as multiracial, 8 parents that identified as white and 0 parents that identified as other reported that their child was not engaged. 32 parents that identified as black, 8 parents that identified as multiracial, 24 parents that identified as white and 4 parents that identified as other reported that their child was engaged. According to the chi-squared results (chi-squared =5.06) there is not a significant difference between the categorical variables.