Spanish 351-01

This class is something that I am so proud of. I took this class during the fall of my junior year and it was something that I really had to work at. I am a Spanish minor and this was one of the last three classes I needed for my minor. This class also allowed me to produce one of the best projects to come out of my entire career. The class was on early culture and civilization in Latin America. We learned so many things and read so many first-hand accounts, all in old Spanish. Although this is the most challenging class I have taken so far, it is a class that I have loved dearly. I loved learning the culture and being able to get better at Spanish as I discussed complex topics, such as Christopher Columbus, Hernan Cortes, and La Malinche. La Malinche is a historical figure/legend that particularly interested me. I chose to study her and the underlying stereotypes of Latinx women. I presented on this at research day in the fall and it was one of the three presentations I did. That day I presented twice in Spanish and once in English with no breaks in between. It was a daunting task, but I loved my research and I was proud to present it. I became so much better at Spanish during this time and I proved to myself that I am capable of more than I know. I will always be grateful for this experience and I plan to carry all of the things I learned into my future classroom. I hope that my experiences in my Spanish minor have made me a better-equipped, more well-rounded and culturally-aware teacher.

I was not able to upload the presentation from research day, but here is the third draft of the research paper that my presentation was based off of. I am so proud of everything I accomplished through this class.