Photo Essay

The faces of a reader

A true reader reads with expression. If you watch a reader, it can be quite interesting. I always have an expression on my face when I read. I will relate this photo essay to the book review by showing the type of expressions that appeared on my face while reading this book.

It started out with a happy face much like this one.

After my happy face, I normally go into my focused and serious face.

My next reoccurring and personal favorite is my confused face. I like to call it my “Did I read that right?” face.

My angry face or “I’m going to throw this book across the room” face is next.

I am not emotional, but some books make me cry.

Whenever there is a plot twist, this face is sure to appear.

While these pictures were staged, the faces I make when reading look exactly like this. That is how you know it is a good story.