Hello everyone! My name is MacKenzie, and welcome to The Life of a Reader. Together, we will look through the eyes of a reader and escape our reality like they do. We all have a reader inside of us, but it only comes out when you find the right story to get you started. Once you find the right story, you never seem to stop finding new ones. Here is a very brief look into my reading preferences:

For me, the right story to get me started was Percy Jackson & The Olympians. While this series began my journey as a reader, Little Women is my favorite book. My favorite author is Jennifer L. Armentrout. I like romance and supernatural stories the best. I read other genres including historical fiction and romance, but my favorites consist of worlds unlike ours. This allows me to be a dreamer and imagine what it would be like to live in a world where I can fly, fight aliens, or be a demigod. When I read, I AM in those worlds.

In this blog, I will specifically review books as well as give book suggestions. Images of readers and book will be consistent, and I will provide a tutorial on how to set up and use my favorite book tracking app, Goodreads.

Let the journey begin!