Goal 12 – Ethics: For the ethics goal I took the honors section of Introduction to Ethics. Going into this class I was not entirely sure what to expect. I have never really been interested in philosophy, however I found that it is not all that bad. Like a few of the course previously, the class size of this class was very small. One thing that I love about honors classes is that you are able to develop a relationship with the professor. I absolutely loved my professor. Whenever someone did not fully understand something we knew we could ask questions and he would be more than willing to help us understand. This class challenged your viewpoints, but what I thought was the best thing was it required you to back up your viewpoint by being educated in the opposite side. I think a lot of times we get caught up in arguments we are not fully educated for because we do not know all of the facts. Sometimes looking into the facts of the other side could change your viewpoint and other times is just made your current standing even stronger. For this class two of the assignments were to write an ethical review to an ethical paper. We were supposed to pick a topic and a side and then find a paper that supported it. Then we were supposed to pick apart the paper and offer up its flaws. I thought that this was going to be an impossible assignment and I am not going to lie, it was extremely challenging, however when I finished it I felt so accomplished. I felt I was immensely more educated on both sides of the topic and I feel more confident to discuss this topic with others now. Attached is an example of my paper I wrote reviewing a paper written about abortion.