Chi Square

Chi-Squared Test

The Chi-Squared test was conducted using the independent variable of did the Astronaut Pudding Activity encourage your family to spend time together? The answers to this were on a scale of 0-10 with all answers submitted either being Seven, Nine, or Ten. The dependent variable for this test was on average, how many hours a week do the parents work? The answers  to this question varied from 1. 0-10 hours, 2. 11-20 hours, 3. 21-30 hours, 4. 31-40 hours, 5. 41-50 hours, 6. 51 or more hours, and 7. prefer not to answer. Both the dependent and independent variable had to be recoded into two groups in order for the test to properly work. After running the test, it was found that Chi-Squared was 15, the degrees of freedom was 3, and the p-value equaled 0.001817**. This information can be found below in Table 3..

Encouragement of Time Together0-10 Hours Worked21-30 Hours Worked 31-40 Hours Worked41-50 Hours WorkedChi- Square 