FLE Community Information Product

Our project addressed the sexual abuse of children in the United States foster care system. We decided to focus more on a “primary prevention” approach to draw more attention to WHY children in foster care are vulnerable and susceptible to sexual abuse and how to reduce the incidence. We discussed what sexual assault is, what factors contribute to it, why these children, in particular, are so vulnerable, and what can we do to recognize this and put an end to it? Our audience was geared primarily toward parents or couples wanting to adopt, and teachers of said kids. We decided on this target audience because of their direct impact on these kids and their cognitive and emotional development. 

Please Click on the link to access our FLE Community Information Product: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SFjLqlkO0cyTZtm1Mv9hT7uRf4skyNp6/view?usp=sharing