My process for doing academic research has changed throughout the semester by learning to use peer-reviewed sources to narrow my search for sources and form a literature review. In this class, we learned about qualitative and quantitative data and how to read and interpret it. My process for evaluating and picking sources was to find a few variables to do research on. I did some background research on the topic and found some common themes in different sources. After that I found my variables and I started doing research to find information about the variables I selected. I decided to use sources that had common ground with other academic works as well as sources that were peer reviewed. Some challenges I encountered while doing research for this class was finding exactly what sources I wanted to use. There were hundreds of sources I could have picked and discarding out the ones I wanted to use from the ones I didn’t was tedious. This took more time then I thought it would so in the future for other research projects I will dedicate more time to finding the sources for the research portion of the project. My attitudes and perception on research has changed after participating in the project. Before participating in this research project if I ever had to find sources I would just go to the library online database and search through to find the sources I wanted to use and I would not know how to sift out good and bad sources as easily. Through this project I have grown to appreciate the work that goes in to creating those sources because for the first time I have had to create one with the literature review, abstract, introduction, methods section, and conclusion. My confidence in doing research has also improved from doing so. To think like a researcher means to look at certain things differently. It means that you as a researcher have to listen to what others say and interpret what people say and find a deeper meaning of what they are saying, to be curious and find trends to form themes.