
“To lead is to serve.” – Princeps, Secret Society at Longwood


Service is one of three fundamental keys to unlocking the true spirit of the Cormier Honors College. ServiceĀ  is defined as giving back to the communities that surround you without needing payment, a grade, recognition, or any sort of praise. Those outside of the Cormier Honors College might say that service is hard work that you set aside time to do; something you have to think about. With Honors, its something that just comes natural.

The Service aspect of Honors is an expectation that is the individual honors scholar’s responsibility to live up to. There are endless service opportunities in the Honors community. From hosting prospective honors students overnight to making cards for nursing homes to the annual service retreat, Honors puts on several service events and activities for scholars to participate in, making service available and easy to do. In the greater world of Longwood’s campus, it is simple to find service activities to do through your major’s department and through asking faculty mentors.

While the Honors College is an academic community, Service is upheld as a major pillar because they value giving back to those around you and those who need help. Service is the selfless act of putting the needs of others before you, which in turn builds stronger character and a better appreciation for life. This kind of perspective is essential in developing citizen leader skills for each Honors student. Of course academic achievement and excellence is great, but it all means so much more if it is enhanced by someone who is selfless and is excited to commit hours of work to their surrounding community.