Standard 3. c

We follow and enforce Intended Learning Outcome & Success Criteria (ILO) statements which stand for intended learning outcomes—at Buckingham.  Expected learning outcomes are predictions of what a student will learn after finishing a unit of study successfully.  Our learning objectives are incorporated into all aspects of the classroom, including our slideshows, the board, and our learning targets.  Every session we teach includes a learning target that we employ whole-brain teaching to achieve.  This method of teaching is gaining popularity because it incorporates social-emotional development into a highly active, actively engaged learning process.  Because it emphasizes equal focus on both sides of the brain and requires students to respond aloud to everything I do and say, whole-brain teaching is crucial for reducing inattentiveness and disciplinary interruptions.  This complements ILO learning targets well because it gives students the tools they need to comprehend what they are learning and establishes a deadline for what they must know by the conclusion of the unit.