Research Reflection

  • Over this semester my process for doing academic research has changed greatly. I now take the time to find sources that will better my research and am able to go through them and get the valuable information needed. I have also learned many new things to better my research process, like being able to now use RStudio.
  • To select sources for my research assignments I searched for sources that applied to my survey questions that operationalized my independent and dependent variable. I decided they would be able to be applied to these questions be reading through the abstracts and making sure all the needed information was included.
  • The only challenges that I encounter when doing research for these assignments was when I would first see the assignments that I have never completed before my confidence levels dropped. However the assignments were explained well enough that I was able to overcome that challenge.
  • My perceptions about research has changed a lot this past semester. I have never been one to enjoy or know how to do correct research when it came to research assignments. However, after taking this class I learned so many new things and ways to actually do effective research.
  • I think to “Think Like a Researcher” means to be open-minded and be patient because sometimes research can lead you to different findings then expected and take different ways to find the results needed.