an e-portfolio of successes and sturggles by Braden ButkaPosts RSS Comments RSS

HONS 295 Global Social Innovations

Section taken: 51

Semester taken: freshman fall

Professor: Jessi Znosko

Course summary: Partnering with the Windesheim University of Applies Sciences in Zwolle, Netherlands, we examined social innovation on a global scale. We were to bridge the gap between two communities that you could find anywhere in the world in small groups where we worked closely with our Dutch colleagues.


I think this course was a great introduction to honors seminars. I got to see what an elective class was like early on, which was great and I think has better prepared me for courses in the future. I really enjoyed collaborating with the Windensheim University students. I’m not sure when else I would have the opportunity to collaborate with students across the globe if it weren’t for this class. It was a very unique opportunity. We did have communication issues throughout the semester though. I found skype to be laggy, and I couldn’t understand the other side well, so I often avoided calls for texting with WhatsApp. WhatsApp was great, and the only other issue that ever occurred was the time difference, which was unavoidable. We learned a lot though, and did a lot of brainstorming before creating our final project. Sometimes it was frustrating to hear what you think is a really great idea get shut down, but ultimately we came up with a really great project which you can view below.

See the poster for our final project here.

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