an e-portfolio of successes and sturggles by Braden ButkaPosts RSS Comments RSS

Goal 11: PhysEd

Goal 11: An understanding of issues dealing with physical and mental well being through physical activity (two credits).

Course taken: PHED 101- fitness concepts through exercise

Semester taken: freshman spring

Professors: Alicia Peterson and Tina Ewing


I don’t think many people are excited to hear they have to take PE in college. The last time I took PE in a school was 7th grade; In high school I took 9th and 10th grade(all that was required) online. I wasn’t really looking forward to it, and all I could think was “Why the heck is it called /phed/?? Can’t they call it PE or PhysEd like any other physical education class??”. Since taking this course I’ve low-key embraced it as a quirky Longwood thing.  I figured if I was going to take it, then I should take it the semester before top surgery to try and get fit. I have honestly enjoyed tracking my steps every day, and the in house labs weren’t bad! I learned a lot of stretches and exercise modifications that made it fun for me. My professors were SO nice and really just want to see a healthier and more fit campus. It wasn’t nearly as bad as I thought it was going to be. I shouldn’t have had such a bad idea of what to expect going into it.

If you click here, you can see a mini-project we did. 

By clicking here, you can see one of step reports. 

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