an e-portfolio of successes and sturggles by Braden ButkaPosts RSS Comments RSS

Goal 1: LSEM

Goal 1: The knowledge and skills that lead to success in college, the ability to usecritical thinking and analysis in all aspects of student life, and preparation for assuming the role of citizen leader working for the common good (one credit).

Course taken: LSEM 100

Section taken: 51

Semester taken: freshman fall

Professor: Jessi Znosko


I enjoyed LSEM. It was nice to have Jessi as my professor twice this semester. I think I did learn a good amount about college living through this course, and there was a lot of good information brought together for this course. I don’t think we needed to meet during New Lancer Days as much as we did, but meeting then is also important. We did a little bit of everything, from learning how to plan our days and use our time wisely, to how to overcome being overwhelmed. I’ve been told first year Longwood students in the fall of 2017 will be the last group to have LSEM. I’m not sure what the class will be like that replaces it, but I’m sad to see it go.

As part of LSEM, every class read David Levithan’s Every Day. Here are my thoughts on the first year reading experience.

We also were given the chances to go out and explore the campus and town, and expand our horizons when it comes to college life. Here’s a few things that I’ve done my first semester.

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