an e-portfolio of successes and sturggles by Braden ButkaPosts RSS Comments RSS

Goal 10: Language

Goal 10: The ability to communicate and function in a globally interdependent world as developed through foreign language study (three credits).

Course taken: SPAN 320- Advanced Spanish

Section taken: 1

Semester taken: freshman fall

Professor: Dr. Javier Fernandez Urenda


Spanish 320 was a very enjoyable class! It was nice for me because the Spanish course I had taken right before this one had a lot of the same components that this one did. We talked a lot about el cine y el teatro, both of which I was already familiar with. Dr. Fernandez was a great instructor, and I would love to take another class with him in the future given the opportunity. Advanced Spanish furthered my knowledge about the Spanish speaking world, as well as furthered my abilities with the language. It was nice to learn from someone who Spanish was their first language. I’ve had great teachers in the five years prior to this class, but this was a new experience that I was glad to have. Dr. Fernandez kept it interesting and we had appropriate assignments for the class. I do think that it was a lot more reading intensive that I originally imagined, which challenged me a lot. I learned how to read poetry in another language, and old texts as well. I struggled with this a bit, but I also enjoyed the challenge, and the content was still interesting. We also got to watch some movies to examine cinematography. In class, we watched El Espinazo del Diablo, the Devils Backbone, and for my final exam, I watched Celda 211, which is about a rookie prison guard having to pretend to be a high threat prisoner after a prison riot breaks out and he waked up hurt and locked in a cell.

Click here to see my paper on Celda 211.

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