About Me

As a junior of Longwood University I have begun to think about what life an in store for me following graduation in a year. As I am a History major with a consecration in secondary education, history and students development and understand of history is very important to me. History is a very interesting and important subject that is over looked in the school systems lately, and students tend to not enjoy it as much as other subjects in school. My goal is to show students that history can be fun even called an adventure.

During my time in high school I was able to participate in the local 4-H club in the community. That is where I found the love to teach kid in the community about different things like: history, healthy eating, animals, and the outdoors. I am still very involved in the 4-H program of my community.

Also, in high school I was lucky to have two amazing history teachers that have inspired me to be a history teacher. These teachers showed me that history was import to understand, so that we could learn from it all while making it fun for their students. That is why I want to be a history teacher so, that I can inspire students the way they have inspired me.

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