
In Sociology 222, perspectives on childhood and parenting, I learned how to analyze scholarly information about children and families. I also learned how to explain and apply theories based on family dynamics, as well as theories on race, class and gender. I learned how to identify social factors that put children at risk and different parenting strategies.

In sociology 241, Marriage and the family, I learned how to create a marriage contract. I learned how to put up boundaries leading up and into marriage, as well as once children come into the picture.

In sociology 351, Family violence, I learned different forms of family violence. I learned about current laws and policies that effect families as well as programs that prevent and treat the violence.

In Sociology 370, Medical sociology, I learned information about health, wellness and illness, and how they are produced through social, political, economic and cultural forces.

In Sociology 377, Sociology of sport, I have learned different definitions and parts of sport. I have learned about several theories and how to use them to explain sport. I have also learned how to explain the different connections between sports and social institutions.

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