
Bad news letter

While learning about the proper way to give bad news, it was surprising to learn how specific bad newsletters need to be. People do not like receiving bad news, that’s why it is so important for them to be worded in an easy-to-understand and non-confusing way. When writing this letter it fulfilled the course requirements for creating content for a workplace and creating a professional document. The requirements were filled because a bad newsletter can be common in many different work settings, so it is important to have practice writing one; it is also important that the letter is professional, especially when sharing this information.

Persuasive letter

The persuasive letter was easier to write than the bad newsletter, for my letter I was selling fitness equipment to a hotel. This letter was easier to write because when giving a person bad news you do not know how they will react, but we persuade people to do many things every day. This letter also fulfilled the same course requirements as the bad newsletter. A persuasive letter is done very often in professional settings, so it will be presented in a professional format.