Year In Review

April 2011

Students chosen for leadership program

Three Longwood students among 23 selected for leadership program

Longwood students (from left) Kaylin Minton, Benjamin Clark and Meghan Czaikoski were selected for a program of the Sorensen Institute for Political Leadership

Three Longwood students were selected in April 2011 for the Sorensen Institute for Political Leadership’s College Leaders Program.

Senior Meghan Czaikoski and juniors Benjamin Clark and Kaylin Minton were among 23 college and university students from across Virginia to be chosen for the prestigious program at the University of Virginia, which was held May 28-June 25. More than 100 students applied for the College Leaders Program, one of four programs sponsored by the Sorensen Institute, an intensive, multidisciplinary Virginia-focused program on public service and leadership.

The three Longwood students represented the most chosen from any school in 2011.


Relay for Life raises $68,445

Student-organized Relay for Life raises $68,445 for cancer research

Relay for Life is an annual campus event for Longwood students, faculty and staff.

Longwood’s 2011 Relay for Life raised $68,445 in donations for the American Cancer Society, exceeding the 2010 total by more than $18,000.

Fifty-four teams involving 948 participants took part in the April 15 event, which lasted 12 hours and included a Survivors’ Reception, Survivors’ Lap, Care Givers’ Lap and the lighting of luminaria in honor or memory of loved ones. Dr. Jim Jordan, professor of anthropology and a cancer survivor, presented the keynote address, which was themed “Re-Lei for Life: Say Aloha to a Cure.”

Dr. Maureen Walls-McKay, interim director of Longwood’s Counseling Center, advises the student committee that organizes the annual event.

< March 2011

May 2011 >