Special Topics: American Politics and Cinema


HONS 495-50, Fall 2016

American Politics and Cinema Group Project

After my American Literature class, this Honors course is one of the most interesting courses that I’ve ever taken in four semesters. What’s the most special about this course is that the same professor who taught my American Literature course also taught this course. As a lifelong movie lover, I expected this course to be an outlet for me to discuss movies I had seen and had not seen with my Honors peers. What I got was much more than that. Out of this class, I got yet another way to express some of my opinions on social issues along with the triumphs and failures of the 2016 presidential election cycle. I tend to be a little too talkative when it comes to these issues, but this class gave me a chance to hear the opinions of classmates that may have agreed or disagreed with my beliefs. Overall, this course was an extremely rewarding one and will go down as being one of the best courses of my college career.

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