1.5: Integration of Chemistry and Physics into Biology

The biology curriculum at Longwood requires that chemistry classes are taken up to a certain level. Since biology and chemistry is closely intertwined, it is easy to take chemistry classes and have them relate back to biology. The chemistry classes at Longwood require you to think outside the box and to be able to relate the subjects in both the biology and chemistry courses. The most memorable and noteable chemistry courses that I have taken during my time at Longwood would be CHEM 111 and CHEM 211.

In CHEM 111, it was an introduction to the chemistry topics and methods. It mainly started with calculating the molar mass of different molecules and conversions. For our project, we were tasked to create a heat pack by calculating the change in enthalpy of calcium chloride. This lab was interesting because I am not the best at chemistry but fortunately I had a lab group that was able to help me and allowed me to learn the different procedures needed for the experiment.

In CHEM 211, our lab group was tasked to design and create a paraben which are preservatives in cosmetics and deodorants, but have been known to cause cancer. My group created an ethyl paraben where we added a benzylic bromines. The reason this was done was to create a safer paraben while still maintaining its antibacterial properties. After testing MIC (minimum inhibitory concentration) of different created parabens and a commercial paraben, ethyl paraben, it was concluded that adding bromines to the paraben is safer than regular parabens. This project went smoother than my CHEM 111 project because I had two more semesters of chemistry experience under my belt. I was able to do the math pretty well compared to the past and was able to perform the lab techniques with my partner with minimal instruction.

The different lab skills and techniques that I used in lab will be transferable to other disciplines and future projects. My potential future careers include conservation and ecology but with my upcoming semester at the Smithsonian Mason Conservation Institute, I will be performing some lab experiments. These classes have given me a better perspective into lab experiments and has given me experience in lab based experiments.

Below is my CHEM 111 final lab report.

CHEM 111 Lab Report

Below is my CHEM 211 final research paper on my created paraben.

Orgo 2 Final Paper