About Me


I live in one of the poorer counties of Virginia. Our school system does not have the funds to provide all of the resources we need or some of the extra resources for our students. One of those resources is a reading specialist. They are few and far between in my county. I hope that one day I can become a reading specialist. Reading and writing were always two of my favorites when I was a child. Most children who cannot read or struggle with reading lack self-confidence. As a leader, I want to be charismatic and lead with positive reinforcement.

An educator has a huge role as leader. An educator is a mentor to the students. We should lead by example, an example we would want our own children to follow. As a charismatic leader I will inspire my students and motivate them to keep moving forward and build their confidence as readers. In order to do that I will also have to make my students feel comfortable. Once they are in a comfortable learning environment their confidence will begin to bloom! Lastly, they will become competent readers and I will become a successful leader.

Using positive reinforcement will also help build by students up. Students have a desire to be recognized and valued when they are doing a good job on any task. I will recognize and praise my students when they are doing a good job. I have always lived by “Praise loudly, correctly softly.” To be a successful leader, you should always recognize the good, even in front of others, but you should never draw attention to the negative.

Waiting tables for 5 years taught me a lot about job professionalism. I cam across some of the nicest people I have ever met in my life and formed friendships with some of those people. I have also met some of the rudest people. The people that will really test your professionalism, and sometimes I was convinced that is exactly what they were doing. It is very hard to hold your composure when you have a customer blessing you because their food is wrong. I taught myself to take everything and let in come in one ear and go right back out of the other! What do you accomplish by stooping down to that persons level and being rude to them? Nothing! Smile and nod was my way of getting through those tough customers. I know as an educator I will have to deal with parents like that. Educators only want what is best for the student, but parents don’t always see it that way. They may see it as the teacher trying to tell them how to raise their child. I will have to use those same techniques if I have a parent like that.  Action and communication will make the best leader. You should first become a great follower in order to become a successful leader.