Posted by Taylor Whitmarsh


Longwood University HARK faculty and staff:

Dr. Mike Mucedola

Department Chair
Associate Professor, Health and Physical Education
Willett 104B

Dr. Ann Bailey

Assistant Professor and Program Coordinator, Therapeutic Recreation
Willett 104D

Dr. Amanda Blaisdell

Assistant Professor and HPE Graduate Program Director, Health Education
Willett 112

Dr. Bob Blaisdell

Assistant Professor of Kinesiology
Willett 104P

Dr. Tim Coffey

Assistant Professor and Program Coordinator, Exercise Science
Willett 104E-2

Dr. Jennifer Cuchna

Assistant Professor and Clinical Education Director, Athletic Training
Willett 106

Ms. Tena Ewing

Senior Lecturer
Iler 102

Dr. Kari Hampton

Assistant Professor and Program Coordinator Health and Physical Education
Willett 104M

Dr. Laura Jimenez

Assistant Professor of Exercise Science
Willett 104H

Whitney Kallenbach

Clinical Educator, Therapeutic Recreation
Willett 104 E

Dr. Matt Lucas

Professor, Health and Physical Education
Willett 108

Dr. Susan Lynch

Professor and Internship Coordinator, Therapeutic Recreation
Willett 104L

Dr. Marty Marra

Assistant Professor, Physical Education
Willett 104G

Dr. Dan Michael

Assistant Professor of Health and Physical Education
Willett 114

Dr. Jo Morrison

Associate Professor, Exercise Science
Willett 104F

Mrs. Alicia Peterson

Senior Lecturer
Iler 105

Dr. Meg Thompson

Associate Professor, Athletic Training
Willett 104J

Mrs. Nancy Scruggs

Administrative Assistant
Willett 104A

Dr. Lindsey Stokes

Associate Professor and Program Coordinator, Athletic Training
Willett 104I

Dr. Kirstin Whitely

Assistant Professor, Therapeutic Recreation
Willett 104K




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