Throughout my three years here at Longwood, I have been fortunate enough to participate in many Research Showcases which have helped me grow as a professional.
During my freshman year, I was asked by Dr. Purdom to do research with him within the PRISM program. I had the choice between three projects and I chose to investigate the levels of hyaluronic acid in the muscles of overtrained recreational athletes. We started background research during the spring of 2019 and I presented our background findings at the Longwood University Student Showcase for Research and Inquiry.
During my sophomore year, Dr. Purdom and I concluded our research article in the fall of 2019. Again, I presented our new findings and conclusions at the Longwood University Student Showcase for Research and Inquiry in the fall of 2019. As of now, our findings have been submitted and are under review for publishing. I wish that I could include the final product, but due to it being in the process of being published, I am unable to attach it to this page.
During my junior year I presented two projects at two showcases. The first was in the fall of 2020; I enhanced the kinesiology class, Exercise Intervention in Health and Disease. What I presented at the Longwood University Showcase for Research and Inquiry was an exercise plan that was specified to my client that suffered from hyperthyroidism and was in the postpartum phase of her pregnancy. To learn more about this, go to the tab Exercise Intervention in Health and Disease under the Honors Courses tab. Another final project that I presented at a showcase was my LGBTQ+ short film that was called “From King to Queen.” This short film was a part of my LGBTQ+ and the media class and was presented at the Longwood Media Showcase. To see this short film go to the LGBTQ+ and the media tab under the Honors Courses tab.
I will be completing my 320 hour kinesiology internship at ADAPT which is a strength and conditioning facility this summer. Along with that, I have hopes of completing my CHC study abroad trip this winter.