Study Abroad Reflection

Last summer, I studied abroad in Valencia, Spain! This experience was once in a lifetime and I am so glad I was persuaded to attend by one of my best friends, Victoria (my Spain roommate). We learned about the history, culture, and people of Spain while exploring its castles and countrysides. My roommate and I lived with a host mom and her two daughters for 6 weeks and experienced the city of Valencia with their expertise. They were kind and patient with our not so great spanish, and taught us what it meant to live life like the Spanish. My favorite part of the trip was traveling across the country to Peñiscolá. This town is located on a peninsula with gorgeous views from a castle. This town has rich history that attracts millions of tourists each year.

Letter to Senior Self


As you are inching closer to graduating, it is important to reflect and appreciate the memories you have made here at Longwood. Your professors, family, and sorority sisters have stood behind you since the beginning and it is important to thank them for being apart of your journey into adulthood. You have worked so hard and conquered more obstacles than expected. Continue striving to better yourself and you’ll succeed. Congrats self, you made it!


Hello, my name is Lindsey and I am a nursing student at Longwood University! As I accomplish each year throughout college, I hope to gain more insight into who I am as a person and future nurse. This blog is my way of documenting what has made my experience at Longwood a highlight of my life.