Social media has changed many aspects of life, one of them being communication. So naturally, I would learn more about social media and other forms of media in Communication Studies.
In this course I explored social media and other forms of media in depth and how they influence society and communication companies. I also learned and practiced personal branding. The main assignment for this course was ongoing throughout the semester. Each student had to create blogs, vlogs or podcast episodes about a topic of their choice. Also, each student had to be well versed in this topic and hold credibility. I chose to write a fashion blog. I have always loved fashion so it was an easy choice for me.
However, I couldn’t just write blogs that were solely my opinion. In each entry, I had to use external sources to support my thoughts. These sources ranged from other articles to YouTube videos. Also, I had to market my content each week. I used Instagram and Twitter to do this. Meaning, weekly, I had to post both curated and original content to my fashion Instagram account and personal Twitter account. Between researching and writing a new blog and posting content each week, I had a lot to do for this course. While it was challenging, I did enjoy it and am proud of what I accomplished.
At the end of the semester, I had to construct a marketing report that is shown below. It outlines what I did throughout the semester, my most successful posts and my thought processes behind it.
In sum, this course was challenging but I found out I can be really creative on social media and I enjoyed it a lot. I was able to combine my creativity and research to create content that was really special to me. Overall, I am proud of what I accomplished in this course.