
In view of going away from home and being completely responsible for myself while at college, I have already learned many lessons. One of the biggest lessons I can take away from my first semester at college is being focused. Having your priorities straight and managing your time is crucial in college. This in turn, helped me further understand what scholarship really means. College has shown me that scholarship involves not only focus but dedication to one’s studies. Everyday I am reminded how staying focused on my grades and assignments really does pay off in the long run, even if it is difficult getting there.

Many aspects of college are challenging and really push students out of their comfort zones. This is when scholarship really comes into the picture. Part of what makes college so challenging is having so many choices and more freedom. Everyday I make my own choices and I have to deal with the consequences. Many the choices I make, however involve scholarship and staying focused to my studies. I believe scholarship goes beyond just making good grades, I think it involves dedication to learning, striving to do better and to always keep trying even when things get tough.