Goal 12 Introduction to Ethics
This class opened up my mind to an entirely new way of solving problems. In most of my classes that I have taken thus far at Longwood University, when taking a test, there is a right or wrong answer. Generally, if the test is essay based, there could be two correct answers, but the possibilities end there. Dr. Moore, however, felt that if a student could defend his or her answer using an ethical theory, then any well-argued answer could be correct. This class completely changed my perception of right and wrong. I have a fairly good memory so in most of my classes I do well because I can regurgitate the information I learned back onto a test. Introduction to ethics forced me to do more than memorize information. I had to critically think almost everyday in that class in order to apply the theories that we learned to everyday situations. Dr. Moore taught me that critical thinking can be much more rewarding than merely memorizing information. Attached is an essay that I wrote for the class that disproves one of the theories that we learned in class.