Formal Report

The last assignment of the semester was a formal report. The task was to act as a consulting firm and assist a private practice speech clinic in making an updated website by making a formal report. Within this report, we analyzed three different clinic websites. These websites were analyzed on their overall visual appeal, organization, and information on services provided. In addition, we created surveys for families to complete at the clinic they received services from. These surveys asked how they liked their clinic’s website and what they would change if anything. After gathering all of our data and analysis, our group gave a 15-minute presentation to our class on this report. We took on the role of the consulting firm, as the class took on the role of the clinic staff. We presented our analysis and our recommendations for the updated website. We then opened up the floor to any questions, comments, and concerns the “clinic staff” might have. This assignment mainly linked with course learning objectives three and five. Objective three, which was to conduct research to create a variety of professional documents, was accomplished by researching the three different clinic websites and conducting surveys at each of the clinics to gain more information. Objective five, which was to practice oral communication skills to present content effectively, was accomplished by giving the presentation to our class about our findings and recommendations.