A Light In The Dark

The purpose of this blog is to show how sexuality and pop culture create the sociological norms constantly seen in society that cause individuals to feel isolated and feel like they do not have role in society and relate it to Star Wars and the society depicted across the movies.

Sociologist Emile Durkheim thinks that the moments when society is in rapid change and refuses to settle on social norms, or what is generally accepted and valued. When the economy, political scene, and the culture is constantly changing and never settles it can cause people to feel like they do not fit in or have a purpose in the society at hand. Instead of the suicide rates spiking or increasing due to depression, loss, or loneliness, increases are usually seen because of anomie. Anomie is the normlessness that can be observed in our society recently without a lot of traditions and values being thrown out to create new ones which also get thrown out and continue in a cycle, until society makes up its mind and puts it’s foot down on societal norms. In Star Wars Anakin Skywalker who is a Jdi suffers from a dilemma of being a Jedi knight, but going against the values of the order by pursuing his love interest with Padme. Later on in the series this relationship with Padme is what leads to Anakin being emotionally unstable and betraying the order for the hope of saving Padme from suffering the same fate as his Mother. Anakin never really fit into the society of the Jedi like most of the members did, he was known for being a lot more brash, reckless, and emotional. As well as being extremely strong in the force at a young age and having the pressure of being the “chosen one” from an old prophecy and being expected to live to very high expectations. Anakin was not caught in a rapidly changing society but he was caught in a society that would not bend its norms to accommodate him and refused to extend him the help and guidance he needed to continue down the right path, instead of the path of becoming Darth Vader. Even without a rapidly changing society, an individual undergoing the process of finding themselves and dealing with loss can find it really easy to fall out of the ongoing loop of society and feel outcast-ed. Once this happens individuals who already stand out a lot feel even more isolated from society and tend to lash out at those close to them or society as a whole for causing them to feel like that. Is it the rapid burst of change in society that causes the feeling of isolation and loss of purpose or is it a person who is very different from most who cant find their place in society due to their own misgivings and insecurities to be who they truly are regardless of how society reacts?

Regardless of light and dark, carve out your own path in life ~Keishawn