MUSC 224: Music Appreciation

I was incredibly excited when I found out that I was taking MUSC 224. I had been in band since fifth grade yet  my knowledge on the history of music, composers, and how it has changed through the ages was incredibly limited. This class gave me the opportunity to fill in the gaps of music knowledge that I was missing. The class required that we attended a number of concerts, which I was more than happy to do. The concert that I was most excited to attend and did my concert report on was the Richmond Symphony. It was a new experience being in the audience compared to on the stage. It forced me to expand my ability to hear the music and what it entails. The concert report asked a series of questions which pushed my ability to analyze. One way I think that I fell short is that I started to become repetitive and failed to find and offer new perspective on the music that I had listened to in the concert.

A thing I failed to realize when I was playing on the stage was the impact of music on the audience member and how important it is to realize the purpose and the content that accompanies every piece of music. I learned that it is just as important to listen to the music as it is to analyze it and the message behind it. Also, how relaxing and necessary it is to sometimes just sit and listen to music, which this class forced me to do when I attended a number of concerts.

This Concert Report was written during the fall semester of my freshman year, October 2018. It was written after being assigned 15 questions that prompted in which I had to analyze, apply, and connect, the music of a concert we were required to attend to the content of the class.