Perspective: Quantitative or Scientific

For this perspective, I chose to take the class MATH 301 or applied statistics to fulfill the requirement. In order to take this class, you had to take MATH 171 before which is a quantitative reasoning class. For this paper, we had to conduct a multiple linear regression to see if there was a relationship between two variables. This was towards this end of the class and leading up to this assignment we had done more complicated analyses in a statistical program called SPSS. This made writing a long essay on what was happening in statistical language easier. I was able to understand what the outcome was and what that meant in real-life terms. For this particular assignment we were allowed to pick what we wanted to run an analysis on, so I picked baseball because that was what interested me and made writing the paper easier. I also liked this assignment because I was able to use SPSS which made running the test simpler than by doing it by hand. This class made me enjoy statistics because I understood what I was doing and what it meant. It also helped me prepare for a future required class I took, which was Quantitative Methods or PSYC 234, for psychology.
