Pillar: Scientific Reasoning

I fulfilled this pillar by taking CHEM 111, this class is offered as a honors or non-honors course. I recommend taking it as honors because your class size is smaller, mine was a class of 12, which lets the instructor work with their students one-on-one more than a regular chemistry class. The class had labs once a week where we got to apply what we were learning in class to fun activities based around chemistry. Throughout the semester we only wrote parts of lab reports, meaning we only wrote the abstract or procedure, or results. However, by the end of the semester, we were able to write a full lab report. By doing it a little bit at a time it helped me realize what I needed to focus on when writing the full report such as the use of passive voice and how to write up statistical results. I enjoyed the last lab because it encompassed everything we had worked on in chemistry that semester with the use of compounds, elements, bonds, conversions, and intermolecular forces. I liked this lab too because it was simple enough for someone with little knowledge of chemistry but also challenging in having to apply knowledge and writing out in passive voice.
