Freshman Year

SPAN 101: Introduction to Spanish

  • this class taught us a basic understanding of the Spanish language and some common phrases and grammar techniques.

SPAN 201: Intermediate Spanish (summer class)

  • In this summer class, I applied all of the language skills I had previously learned in order to analyze the Spanish language and go in depth about culture.

POSC 150: American Government & Politics

  • In this beginning political science course, we learned all the basics of our American political system and how we can be active in our community.

POSc 216: State & Local Government

  • I am now more aware of our government structure not just nationally, but on a local level as well, which is important for political involvement.

PSYC 101: Introduction to Psychology

  • This course taught us all about the basics of why we act the way we do. I have applied this learning into many of my other courses and thought processes.

MUSC 221: History of Jazz

  • This diverse class taught us all about the history of one of the greatest styles of music, and how it affects our culture today.

HIST 110: Modern Western Civilization

  • By learning all about modern western history, I am now able to have much more background knowledge to apply to my government classes.

PHED 101: Physical Education

  • This class taught me how to be active and some basic healthy lifestyle options which is important moving forward.

SPAN 102: Elementary II Spanish