“Try not to become a man of success, but a man of value.” -Albert Einstein
Longwood has become my home in several ways, and is also home to the place where my greatest friendships were made. At Longwood I constantly feel reassured that all the people around me are there to support me in any way, especially the honors college. In this picture, I was participating in Oozeball at our spring weekend. I was very busy running between booths and participating with fellow honors students, and I was very stressed out and exhausted. A fellow classmate in one of my honors classes came up to me and asked if I needed any help with anything. The timing was perfect, I graciously asked the person to watch my booth for a few minutes while I went to play ooze ball and run an errand. When I returned she stayed and we chatted for awhile and I felt relieved that I had made a relationship with someone who I had hardly spoken to before all because we had an honors class together. This tight knit group of people make me feel special and proud to call Longwood my home.