Amanda Rodriguez LSTU 300

The Use of Social Media in English Class

by on Dec.10, 2018, under Uncategorized

When I was in middle school, I remember being forced to read a bunch of books that I originally thought were boring. I remember not being able to really make connections in the books because I did not care to actually look at context clues and put the pieces together at the end due to my mindless reading. Now that I am older and want to teach middle school English, I want to teach lessons in a different style that would grab the student’s attention: by using social media.

            Image result for cell phones in middle school

Middle schoolers typically have cell phones and social media accounts by the time they enter school. That being said, they are always focused on what is on their screens rather than actually interacting with others. Something that I thought would be fun is to incorporate social media apps in my lessons so they would have something they are interested in, and by doing this it will increase their learning.

The link above leads to a video where an English teacher uses social media to encourage her students to make deep connections to the text. A really good example that I will use for my future classroom is using Instagram and having students be creative by using photography to whatever assignment they are given.

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