For this analysis utilizing Pentadic Criticism, I will be analyzing this PSA concerning domestic violence from 2010 called, “It Rarely Stops”.


The actress.


The actress standing in the same place with obvious bruises and scratches on her face and neck.


Utilization of makeup and how the actress attempts to cover up the bruises and scratches as new physical damage continues to appear.


A home.


To emphasize that those who are involved in relationships where domestic violence occur are at risk regardless of if the abuser says “it won’t happen again”.  The PSA continues to have the actress unable to cover the marks because there are so many as time continues even after she was able to cover up the first few.


The most dominant ratio, in my opinion, would be act and purpose as well as act and agency.  The ratio of act and purpose utilizes the actress’ presence in the advertisement as she is in order to have a specific message come across to the viewers.  The bruises and marks on the actress creates the message that the purpose contains.  The ratio utilizing act and agency demonstrate how the marks of abuse and violence  as the makeup continues to overcome the areas that have “healed”.  With this, the act of the actress stationary in a home effectively demonstrates how domestic violence continues with the same person, rarely resolving in a loving and meaningful relationship.

Critical Essay 2

For the second critical essay, I will be re-analyzing Obama’s speech at the NAACP concerning criminal justice reform.