Sociology 306

In Sociology 306, we collaborated with Sociology 345 on a Family Engagement Project. This project implemented a program to increase parental involvement and family engagement among families in Prince Edwards County. Five groups in Sociology 306 created activities for preschoolers to do over the course of a week. These activities were designed to enhance their social, emotional, cognitive, and physical development. Groups in Sociology 345 designed surveys with specific questions, so they get back valuable data to see if the program was effective and if it needs any changing.

My group members and I’s activity was called “Pizza Party.” Our goal was to enhance the child’s ability to identify shapes, colors, and creativity with their family. We had about three weeks to get supplies and package everything to be sent off to the Andy Taylor Center. I worked diligently with my group members on the project by budgeting and distributing our supplies. I gave thoughtful ideas to help make the activity simple and fun for parents and the child. I wanted the activity to be stress-free, due to the possibility of some families already dealing with stress, limited time available, and any other outside factors. The activity was intended to aid in family participation and build resiliency.

This project helped me develop and gain the professional skills it takes to complete a research project from start to finish including, working with my peers, budgeting, being a part of program implementation, and the skill to write appropriate SMART objectives. Working with my peers enhanced my communication skills by ensuring we adhered to the set deadlines. A group member and I decided on what supplies we needed collectively, so then the budget could be made. This project gave me a background in program development, implementation, and assessment, skills in which I will be able to add to my resume and demonstrate in the workplace further into my career. Writing SMART objectives is an important skill in sociology because it helps you establish clear and accurate goals in your field. SMART goals will help me continue to think about all of the components of the goals I set in the future.

Overall, I think the project went well; however, there were a few things I wish we did differently. The timing of getting the supplies and packaging the activities was quite stressful. It felt very rushed and I wish it went more smoothly. I also wish there were fewer students. I think if there were fewer students it would help make this project a bit easier, and less money that has to be spent.