
This class taught me how to be a part of the community by using rhetoric to both write and speak. I was able to apply this to journals and use videos to point it out, I was able to write a paper that will hopefully be published and spread the word about eSports, and I was also able to help out those who have gone through a traumatic experience. While I am not 100% certain what the future holds for me, professionally at least, I do know that I want to use the skills I learned in this class to go forward with trying to become a teacher, and apply myself as an educator to not let students face what I faced for about seven or eight years of school, or at least fix those who had a similar experience. I want to be able to use these skills and pass them on to my future English students, so they can also be prepared for what lies ahead of them, as well as use the course learning outcomes, as a guideline for how they should be able to use the tools I give them to try and succeed. I will also be able to stand up, proudly and with confidence, for myself and use the skills I learned to make a strong argument and use proper rhetoric to expand upon ideas and arguments.