Disappearance of School Libraries

Libraries are arguably one of the most important centers to have in a school system, yet across the U.S. they are rapidly disappearing. For some locations, this can either be due to a lack of funding to support them or to pay the librarians that are even hired for the position. For others, there seems to be a sense of a loss of value or purpose for having them. In the wake of modernized technological advances, libraries seem to be pushed to the wayside in importance. Why do we need hard-copy books when technology such as iPads are available in classrooms? Yet what is not seemingly realized is that libraries are not really a waste of space or money. They are actually quite useful. In the libraries I had in both my elementary and middle schools, we learned quite a bit about how to use the internet properly and safely, apply beginner research methods, as well as how to begin to determine accurate information from the inaccurate. Beyond that, the librarians were able to introduce me to different books all of which instilled a love of reading in me that my teachers weren’t fully able to do. This made me more inclined to want to read the things given to me in my classes. From such experiences, I feel that continuing to have libraries in school systems and carving space for their funding is very important. They teach skills beyond just reading and should not really be going anywhere.


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