3 Pillars


Academics are always my top priority. Scholarship to me is investing time and effort into your education to further your knowledge and prepare yourself better for the world after college. It is going above and beyond just what is required of you. The honors college pushes me to be a better scholar and dive deeply into my classes.


Service is all about giving back and using these experiences to better yourself and the people around you. Through Honors and Kappa Delta I have had many great service opportunities this past year. Through Honors I did service with Virginia Clean Waterways and with Kappa Delta I participated in the Big Event, Relay for Life, Highway Cleanups and working with the local Girl Scouts. Through these service experiences I grew as a person.


Longwood has a unique community, a community that values history and the power of friendship. I enjoy being involved with the Honors College, my sorority and club lacrosse because I feel like I am involved in our vibrant community. I think being involved has provided me with a well rounded college experience so far.