May 22 2018


If I could pass some words of wisdom down to my incoming-freshman self, I would probably say that the next few years are not going to go the way you had anticipated, but that is not a bad thing. During my time at Longwood, there were things I needed to realize about myself, like that I needed to admit when I made mistakes or when my path had taken a different direction, to recognize problems with my mental health and do something about it, stop being so stubborn about every little thing but to let some things just happen as they come, and that I had a lot of learning to do academically and about myself and my own maturity.

I went into college thinking I would be a computer science major with a minor in cyber security, spend four years on Longwood’s women’s collegiate field hockey team, and that I would graduate in May 2019. None of that happened, and I do not regret that none of that came to fruition. Instead, I realized early on that I missed history classes and switched to a history major with a concentration in public history and a minor in anthropology and loved every moment, even the frustrating and annoying ones; I quit the field hockey team the spring of my sophomore year because I realized it lost its glamor and I was miserable; and I will be graduating in August 2018, almost three full years since I became a Longwood student.

I will never forget my time at Longwood, as challenging or as short as it was. I have come to realize that my time here has set me up for a hopefully long and successful career not only as a graduate student in a couple of years, but also wherever I end up for my career in life; however, Longwood also taught me that to get to where I want to be, I need to stay focused, understand that paths change, and that it is okay to admit defeat and ask for help. I could not thank my professors, my advisors, and everyone else who has helped me along the way enough, but I hope to make them proud and properly represent Longwood wherever I go.

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