Letter to Future Me


So graduation is around the corner and time somehow managed to pass faster than ever like always. I know that you remember how difficult your first year was. Whether is be drama with others or missing those you love, but do you remember how your family, friends, and best-friend/boyfriend were there with you every step of the way? Well take a look around. They are all still supporting you through every single endeavor. I know that you need to know everything about what is going to happen in the future. One thing I hope you learned already is that worrying about the future is good to an extent, but focusing on the present allows you to enjoy the journey. It is a blessing that is often overlooked, but I hope you already learned that. No matter where you end up in your Nursing career, hold those you love closer than ever. They were there for you when you needed them the most and I promise they will continue to support and love you until the end of time. The least you can do is return the favor, and knowing how I am, you’ll try to the ends of the earth to make them happy. So keep it up. Also please just take a second to tell those you love how proud you are of them and those who you may have had fights with, tell them you are proud of them too. Regardless of the disputes, deep down you know that they grew as people just like you did and you know that it sounds effortless, but it takes big tolls at times. Also remember to be proud of all the work you put forth over the last four years. All the late nights, tears, and stress weren’t for nothing. You succeeded and are starting a whole new chapter in life. I’m sitting here writing this letter three years away from graduating and I’m scared for you. But again look at those you love, they are still there and with them you can do anything. Remember your roots and what you love. Smile and help others. And remember to take care of yourself. Way to go kid.

