Common Good Project


This assignment required a collaborative work between me and two peers from my English 400 class. My group and I where required to pic a public issue within the United States and develop a website and brochure about the topic. The topic that my group and I picked was the technological gap in the classroom. One of the course learning objectives that this project addresses is the engagement in the process of citizen leadership by investigating multiple perspectives on important public issues. My group and I, we were able to successfully fulfill it by doing lot of research in the related topic to develop a presentation. We had to explore and gather multiple different sources of information to gain lot of knowledge and understanding of such issue. Besides, another learning objective that my group and I were able to achieve, was to choose appropriate formats in writing for a variety of purposes. As you will find below, there is the link to our website and the brochure we created. These two different documents, present similar and related information, but each one has a different goal. The website can reach everyone and can be accessed by any person with access to the internet. While the brochure was created with the end goal to be distributed mainly to professors in schools and colleges. This brochure was created with the intent to gain awareness of the benefits of technology in the classroom as well as possible solutions for those schools who can’t afford such technologies, but still require students to do homework on the computer. After developing this project, I learned that presenting a topic by using multiple or varied forms of writing can have a different impact on people. This is because a brochure provides a very specific and straightforward information, while a website has more in-depth information and might be more descriptive.

Here is the link to my group project website

Common group project brochure

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