
Hi everyone, welcome to my active citizen writing portfolio!

Professional Profile

My name is Maria Meschini and I am a Senior at Longwood University. I will be graduating in December 2019 with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with a Concentration in Marketing. Also, I am a student-athlete as I am a member of the Division I Field Hockey Team at Longwood.

In my last year of high school, I really wanted to start my college career in wine-making due to my family business in the production of wine, but then I realized that I would rather like to work on the commercial aspect of the wine industry. For this reason, I decided to major in marketing. Marketing is not just business, it is also a blend of art and psychology. In almost any industry and business you encounter there is marketing of some kind. I think this career is so interesting as there are so many ways to make a connection between businesses and consumers, such as working in designing ads, social media, or even data analysis and market research. After graduation, I would like to venture into the wine industry by working at a winery as a marketing representative.

ePortfolio Purpose and Content

In this ePortfolio I will present some of the most important assignments and projects I have completed throughout this semester, Spring 2019, in my English writing seminar class at Longwood University. I will not only present the projects but also a reflection on each one of them. Each assignment addresses at least one if not all the course learning outcomes listed below. My reflections will discuss my writing and learning process through the competition of each work, and I will address what learning course outcomes I was able to achieve on each one of them. Looking back to the beginning of the semester, I can say that my writing and formatting skills of documents have truly improved throughout this semester. I have not only gained more experience in using specific writing procedures, but I have also acquired more knowledge about essential components in the art of persuasion.

Course Learning Outcomes

1) Engage in the process of citizen leadership by investigating multiple perspectives on important public issues.

2) Understand the nature of public discourse/debate as determined by purpose, audience, and context.

3) Choose appropriate formats in writing for a variety of purposes.

4) Analyze the effectiveness of their own texts and processes for specific rhetorical situations.

5) Understand how the knowledge, skills, and values learned in general education are interwoven and interrelated, and how they can contribute to the process of citizen leadership.