
When I first arrived at Longwood, I could tell straight away that the community was just like all of the tour guides described, one big happy family. It took some time for me to find my own community, but I finally found it second semester when I decided to join Alpha Sigma Tau Sorority. Since joining AST, I have met some great people and have open the door to many new and amazing opportunities.


The beginning of my sophomore year was amazing! Longwood was finally started to feel like home and I was making amazing friendships with so many new people. Going into the spring semester I moved into a new apartment and left behind bad roommates, I became the director of academic success in my sorority, and had a group of friends that I was with every minute of every day. All of this would change with one word: Covid-19. All of the sudden everything that made college feel like college was gone and I was sent home. No longer did I have friends to do everything with and now all of my classes transitioned online and became ten times harder. I became so unmotivated and classes that I once was excited to go to every day now felt like a chore. I luckily was able to keep my grades up for the most part and finally finished the semester. Hopefully classes in the fall will be in person again. Figures crossed!