MATH 301

Quantitative or Scientific Perspectives – Applied Statistics

MATH 301 was the first math class I have taken since junior year of high school. Math has never been my favorite class but I have luckily been okay in my previous math classes. In high school, I took AP Statistics and received college credit so I was able to skip the first statistics class at Longwood. Going into MATH 301, I wasn’t sure if I would remember anything that I learned from high school and was a little nervous. My nerves was not warranted and the class was really easy. A lot of the concepts that we studied in class I already learned in high school but now I could use a calculator. By the end of the class I really enjoyed going and having a break from reading textbooks and having consistent homework.

Throughout the class, I had to write four papers: two with a group and two individually. Writing a paper for a math class was difficult at first. Never have I had to do a math problem and then explain my process and the math in essay form but it helped a lot by writing the paper in a group. By the third paper, my group and I were experts and our professor used our paper as an example for the whole class to use for their own paper.